Intuitive Life Coaching Transformative Healing Relaxing Sound Therapy Chakra Energy Readings Light Language Messages
Wellness For Busy People
We frequently travel. Let us know what geographical areas you may be interested in for our sessions or classes.
World-Wide Phone, Video or Distance Sessions * In-Person Sessions in Southeast Florida by Appointment
305-705-5522 text / phone *
That's just plain weird. I never thought I could feel any better after those motorcycle accidents." ~ JV
*By requesting services via this website, you confirm you understand you are ultimately responsible for your own decisions, choices and healing path. Please be responsibly attentive to your level of comfort and to your emotional and medical needs in any situation & feel free to ask questions.
"Your healing depends on you. Are you willing to feel better? Are you willing to value yourself? Are you willing to forgive? All healing is self-healing ~ which can be achieved much sooner with loving guidance."
"What a relief. I've had shoulder pain everyday for 3 years since my car accident. Now its gone." ~ event attendee
PLEASE NOTE: We are not doctors, we do not take insurance. These sessions may compliment, but in no way are considered medical practice.
We use multiple secure payment portals to ensure your protection and privacy. You do not need to be a Paypal member to use Paypal portal.
"Wow! I was going to have to take a few days off from work, but now
the pain is completely gone." ~ A.M.
Video or Distance Sessions * In-Person Sessions in Southeast Florida by Appointment
305-705-5522 text/phone *
Submit testimonials, comments, questions and appointment requests by TEXT to 305-705-5522 or on the form below.*
"In every medical tradition before ours,
healing was accomplished by moving energy."
~ Dr. Albert Szent Georgyl / Nobel Laureate in Medicine
Spring 2021 Pricing - Phone/Video Sessions:
$50 /30 min $95 /60 min $125 /90 min
Instagram, Eventbrite, Miami
Sound Bowl Sessions / Classes / Events
In-Person Sessions & Groups in South Florida
Text 305-705-5522 to Book a Personal Session
or Email:
Venmo: MelysaMac
CashApp: $MelysaMac
About Melysa
Over 20 years ago, Melysa moved to a new city, started working multiple jobs and was living with a new partner in a committed relationship. Things seemed to be going well initially, but the relationship soon introduced a lot of new types of drama into her life that she was not prepared to deal with emotionally, mentally, physically or spiritually. It took a few years to completely cut off, but finally it ended.
Soon after, she developed a series of odd health issues, however, other than offering to write prescriptions, doctors and therapists were of little help. Essentially most of her health concerns had been attributed to stress.
Following many unsatisfactory experiences with mainstream practices, Melysa eventually searched for new ways to help herself, and now others, to feel better faster through non-pharmacuetical modalities. One of her missions is to remind us that we have CHOICES. She enjoys introducing people to new perspectives that encourage us to be comfortable in choosing a better-feeling life in a better-feeling body. Her sessions are focused and uplifting as she helps people to acknowledge their choices, gifts, potentials and strengths in navigating life situations and manifesting desired and better-feeling experiences.
As a 'Wellness Solutionist' Melysa helps people to line up with what they say they want
via distance and in-person sessions incorporating intuitive guidance, coaching and physical/
emotional stress relief therapies. Melysa has been utilizing Meridian Tapping /EFT for over
18 years and also works with Quantum Wave Lasers and basic Su-Jok for assisting a body to
heal faster naturally. She also offers Intuitive Energy Readings, Law-of-Attraction Coaching,
Ministry, Tong Ren, and a variety of energy-soothing sessions using Quantum Energy, Reiki,
Sound Healing and more. Melysa is familiar with many other types of guidance and healing
services. How can she help you? Contact for pre-session consult.